
The annual Mount Isa Show – the Show that belongs to the community and driven by the volunteers of our community.

The huge part of the excitement of going to the Show is the Side Show Alley. Our touring Side Show Alley has been run by the Bell family for over three generations, and each year when they roll up at the Isa, we know its SHOW TIME!!!

Not to be out done, our Pavilion displays a range of businesses, local schools and Lego displays proudly showcasing their brands and achievements. Contests are plenty in and out of the Pavilion over the years from rock drilling to mechanical shovelling contests, woodchopping, equestrian events, piglet races, stockman’s workouts, bronco branding, arts, photography, cake, biscuit baking, jams and preserves, quilting and handicrafts. Always something for individuals to be involved in and to attract families.

We could not be more pleased, than to acknowledge the hardworking Volunteers of the Mount Isa Agriculture Show Society Inc. for volunteering their services over the years. Some offering over 30 years of their time, to bring the Mount Isa community a Show that everyone can enjoy each year.